Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today I Was Told...

That I have work to do. No not from my darling, but rather from my mother. I don't have any more e-mails to tide me over until he comes back. So I settle with hugging my baby TJ very very tightly, and seeing Ryan in my dreams.
I had just woken up, it's six thirty in the morning, and my mother tells me to get to work, and that I have a busy day ahead of me.
Why did I choose to do this again? Oh right, so that I could take French 3 during my junior year (the course at IVC is the equivalent of two years of highschool french), and so I could take AP Chemistry, and then AP Physics. Does this mean I will have no summer? In less then two weeks french starts, and I leave my home around 7:30. Eight thirty my french class begins, and then I sit and wait at IVC, perhaps do my AP homework for maybe 6 hours until 5:30 when my Chemistry class begins. I'll leave for home at 10:00. Yes classes end halfway through august, and I get two weeks of break before school begins, though I should say that one of those weeks will be spent doing tennis camp. Oh joy...
Someone tell me, am I crazy for spending my summer in this way?
In some ways I see how this will further me, and I'm proud of myself for making the mature decision, but as one in my youth, I wonder how I let my childhood pass me by. I should be enjoying a stress free summer, rather then spend it doing this. I have fridays and the weekends yes. With this schedule I will be alone a lot during the summer, that is all. No beach days with the friends, or movies, or the such. I will be doing homework. AP Chemistry homework, WHILE i'm taking chemistry. I feel so foolish for choosing this, even if it's good for me.

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