Friday, June 26, 2009

Farah Fawcett, Michael Jackson

The King of Pop. One of Charlie's Angels.
Two amazing people lost to the world. Admittedly one was given so much more importance, especially considering Michael Jackson's impact on the world. I did not know much about Farah other then her engagement, her struggles with cancer, and her role as an Angel.
I wanted to write a tribute to these two people, but honestly all I can think of is how while Farah got a few minutes on the news, Michael has been on the news nonstop. I admit his contributions to modern culture were much greater, but no life is of more value then another! Just a small point I would like to bring out.
Michael Jackson. To the younger generations he will be remembered for the crazy things he did that cast him in the negative light, rather then the amazing music he created, and the amazing things he did. The first African American to perform on MTV (he was originally denied, but a prominent company had threatened to pull their shares out if he was not allowed to perform), the man who co-wrote a song with Lionel Ritchie, (We Are The World? Was that it?), and a member of the Jackson 5! I admit, I have always seen him in the negative light, then listening to the radio today, and being told that all of these songs whose artist had originally been nameless to me, were all written and sung by him?! Man In The Miror, just to name one. that changed my mind so much. Being Famous makes people a little bit quirky, the more fame you get the worse it must be? I know that I in the least will not remember him simply in the negative light.
Farah Fawcett. A common household name, but not one well known in the younger generation. This amazing angel somehow kept herself untainted by fame, but instead of being a bit off she was hit with cancer. At one point she had seemed to be healed, and fully cured, then it returns, it assaults her. I cannot say much about her, because I admit, I too was so ignorant of her life and her work. Her name was a common one, adn I'm sure one that is familiar to the younger generation.
I don't know what else to say, I've left my thoughts sitting for too long!
Ryan! I love you! I miss you! I can't wait until you're back! I've realized that I don't need you to survive, but I know that I don't care if that's true, I still want you here next to me terribly so! I want to fall asleep with you in the forest by a campfire under the stars! I want to just hear your voice again! I want you to hold me close! I want to feel your heart beat again, to look into those eyes and see what I took for granted that I was able to see every day, and to kiss your lips again! Those wonderfully divine, yet so very mortal, lips! If only for a second right now to try and relive all the moments we have and to make new ones I would take it! I can only hope and pray that I can have more time with you!
I've told TJ about our stories at night, and he says that next time he wants to listen too! He was also listening when my mother was talking about Michael Jackson, and he wants to hear that music too.
I wonder, where you are, did you hear about their deaths? Did anyone care?

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