Saturday, June 13, 2009


Her name is pronounce Sha-Rin. She is in the first grade? or kindergarten? Honestly I still am not sure. She is younger than I was, but older than Sam was when we first came to the States. She is my little cousin.

At first my family pitied her a little bit. She was the child of the woman he married. The one that was not really his. He couldn't talk to her, she didn't speak english, and he doesn't really seem like he wants to. Though his child is spoiled, with new clothes, new toys, things she still couldn't use, and books she was too young to even attempt to read. The child can only count with her fingers, not even with her voice, and the only word's she says are Mama, and Turtle.

Don't get me wrong. I love both of my little younger female cousins. I love all of my cousins. These two though I have taken a special interest in. They are closer, I see them more, and I adore them, and feel sorry for them all in one.

My uncle is not one to settle down, he partys too much, but it seems he has toned it down a bit. My aunt is wonderful, but so young, only a year older then my brother. When she was in diapers, her husband was in college.

Shareign just got pulled into all of this. She's so inquisitive, so curious, and she loves her sister so much and always wants to spend time with her. She sets some of her sweets aside to share. All these things I never would have done for sam.

At first people in our family pitied the little girl, she used to be the darling of her mother's family, now with her new family here in the states, she is just the outside child, who is obviously NOT favored, but rather her little sister is.

Now they say she is annoying just because she asks for attention. Is it such a problem that she wants attention? You must remember she is no older then six, and is used to being the ONLY CHILD in a large filipino family.

They talk about her when she is not around, and my sister and I have been given the task of being role models for her. I encourage her good behavior, and condemn her bad yes, but when she asks of my attention I will give it to her. I will give it to her with all the love an older sister would. I didn't get the chance to be good to my sister like she is to hers. They are my little cousins, and I love them.

Today is my brother's birthday.

Last night I cuddled up with Ryan's jacket, then used it as a blanket and fell asleep.
It still smells like him.
Jared is an amazing friend.

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