Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mah Trio. Mah Friends. Mah Guyz. Mah Boyz. Mah memories

My two best friends here in Tustin. They're my guyz, my boyz. They have my back. We're a trio, we're like the three musketeers but one of us is a girl. We're like hewey dewey and lewie together forever but again one of us is a girl. We're that trio you stare at as they walk through the mall because they're laughing so loudly but they don't seem to care. We're those three wierdos at school who are always hugging each other and messing around. We're that trio that asks each other if we look okay and change if we don't. We're that trio that has their own special walk as they go to school, the one that hangs out at each others houses THEN heads to school. We're the ones who can jokingly tease each other and not get upset. We're some of the closest friends you could EVER find... We're starting to split up a little.
Blake and i met during orchestra class in the 7th grade. Quickly i grew to enjoy his company and childish antics. He fell in love with the way i smiled. We slowly begun to know each other, to notice each others antics and how we both joked around. We talked about getting glasses different hairstyles, things i would normally talked to a girlfriend about and thinks he would have regularly kept to himself. We grew a bond of closeness. Rumors started going on that we were going out and we ignored them. When another classmate in orchestra started courting me he warned me about him. When i didn't listen he persisted. When that classmate cheated on me he was there to listen to me and eventually help me get my revenge. We became close friends through the most tumultous part of our lives so far. We're still in the middle of that time but it will pass and hopefully we'll still be friends. His best guy friend moved away to utah and he was heart broken. His new best guy friend is actually a friend i introduced him to and welcomed into our group. he joined the school year mid way but we love him lots. Winter blake and i after a lot of bonding time became a trio and blake and i left our duo memories behind.
Winter joined my core class. I ask him if he'd like to meet my friends or if he wanted to walk around teh school. someone else had offered and he had already accepted. I go to chat with some of my 7th grader friends and winter is sitting alone. I ask him again if he'd like to join us and he accepts. Quickly he's accepted into our very open group. only a week after we meet him we celebrate his birthday as if we had known him since the beginning of the year. winter slowly became the person in our group who was wiser beyong his years, even if he is a month younger than me making him the youngest in the group. He would walk me home then walk to the library, since i live the farthest away from school we would end up alone. We would chat about everything even serious things. he became my second confidante the first being blake. It was all very natural talking to him about things. Some i couldn't but still. Then we became a trio as blake and winter bonded. We would walk to blakes house and hang out then they would walk me home and go back to blake's. Winter caused a bit of a stir in our group by dating two different girls within the group .
one was bi who had a crush on her best friend. i'm sorry if this is getting a little too reality tv for you but it's true. Winter dated her first then the best friend. The group broke up and all that was left was the trio and a few other people who really didn't care.
blake is going to utah this weekend to visit his old best friend and winter might move to alabama. he's not even sure which highschool he's going to. wether it's in alabama, tustin high or irvine. If he moves then we'll have lost our trio and go back to just being a duo. But if we're just a duo again it might be even harder. I'll be spending most of my time in the library, blake and i won't have any classes together except for possibly chinese and p.e. And since i have all honors classes i won't have much time because of homework.
True friends i found at school in tustin, and we might break up. not because we're drifting apart, but because life just isn't fair. In tustin it's hard to find true friends like these two because everyone here is concerned with image and spreading rumors, especially about those people who used to be one of them but chose not to be with them. especially about people who smile all the time. how is anyone that happy? especially about a girl who has two guys as best friends. especially about some wierd guy who's closer to a girl who's a friend than his girlfriend. and especially about some guy who moves randomly around all the time, and is some freak genius. we three don't care we have each other and love each other very much.
being apart from these two and i would fall apart at school. but i'll try, and even if being with blake is going to be hard, even if winter moves away we'll still keep in touch. I love these guys a lot. hey blake winter <3 u guys more and more every day and we'll always be together you know like that song at the end of grease? =p

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