Saturday, August 18, 2007


i hate it when they scream...
get so mad they start to cry.
so heated. so angry...
so... against each other.
people that want to be together.
but yet they can be so mad at each other
so hateful.
so spiteful.
over stupid.
earthly things.
like money. material things.
they're telling him to grow up
to learn to be an adult
telling him to earn their trust.
a point well made.
but. now i have to feel the backlash.
to be around them while they're upset
to hear their screams up close...
there's no where for me to hide...
no where for me to go...
this is why sometimes i want to die.
sometimes... death is the only escape.
but... then i would have to face the unkown
and unkown possibly worse than this...
what could be worse than this though...
hearing people who love each other so much...
say they miss each other
but.. still.. be so angry at each other... so...
so heated...
i wish i could find a place to hide...
or at least someone with comforting words...
i have a place to hide, but it's so very far away.
it would take me hours to walk.. but it might be worth it...
just to hide. to be alone
with my own thoughts. to try and forget.
but... still... i need someone to hear me.
to listen to my tears fall to the ground.
to hold me until i stop.
to tell me that everything is all right.
but now all i have is a faraway place to hide.
someday i'll escape. someday...
someday i'll be free.

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