Monday, January 17, 2011

This Truth, That Truth

Honest people give off the sense of being honest people. Dishonest people you always outright distrust. It's the people inbetween that always give off the feeling of never quite being sure.
What happens though when two people who seem very honest, or in the least closer to the honest side of the inbetween scale, contradict each other? Who do you believe? What do you believe? What side does it come down to then? Which one are you supposed to trust when it comes to important matters?
Perhaps the question is rather that the two have opposing opinions, thus leading them to see the same event two different ways, therefore leading to two different truths. Is that possible then, to have two different truths?


Guess who? said...

No, you're supposed to believe me :)

Mei said...

Oh wow trippy. someone actually reads this stuff. o.o
i'm bad at guessing people. who is you be?

and but what about the other honest person, am i suppose to disregard their statements?