Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What is love?

You guessed it. I'm Nichole. Mei's best friend. Like her, i didn't realize what she could mean to me. She was never a major proirity to me when we were younger. Now... now, i would be so lost and lonely without her that I wouldn't know what to do. I would also admit that I would get jealous if she found another best friend that could replace me. Her and I make a wierd friendship. We are so different, yet think so alike. We can read and know each other's thoughts on a subject without hearing the other say anything. We aren't afraid to tell each other anything, and we accept each other for the person they are and no one else. Anyone who knows us would not think that we are as close as we are, but put us together, and well, we're nearly inseperable (unless her boyfriend's there).

What is love? Is it a feeling, or is it much more? Is it a fire? Or a want? Or a burning passion? Why is it that there are no words for such things? I have felt something of love once, and I know, that no words can explain the feeling, the rush of burning desire. Love is almost like happiness. Not just laughing and having fun, but pure happiness. The kind that starts as a feeling in your chest and expands until it fills your whole body. A feeling that can't just be overcome with simple will. Is love a different feeling for every person? Or is it just that each person has there own way of describing the feeling? How many types of love are there really? Or is it just that you love others at different degrees? Why is it that love cannot be controlled? You cannot stop loving a person like you stop loving a color. When you love somebody, truly love somebody, you cannot control it, you cannot stop it just like that. Why is it that you find it when you least expect it, or don't want it at all? Why can it not be controlled? Do people love so they can be hurt? If you don't love something or someone, your heart will not be broken so easily. Why do people have to love something? Love seems that it leads to hurt more than it leads to a happily ever after. The more you love, the more you're looking to get hurt, and feel a pain, and not one that a band-aid can heal. It's something that takes much more time, a wound so deep it cuts right through your heart and out the other side. It can make you feel helpless and alone, but people tend to forget about such things when they think about love. They only think about happiness, not about the great sadness and pain lurking just around the corner. Why would they? Isn't just so much better to be thinking about love making you happy at the moment, instead of the possibility of love hurting you in the future? When people get together with someone, they don't stop and think, "I know that this isn't going to be forever." Everytime people get together, they tell each other that it will be forever, they promise it even. How often does it actually happen? That people stay together forever. In this world, maybe two in a million. Maybe less. People never stop to think about these things when they get together with somebody. They only think about their feeling that it WILL last forever, and that this is the person that they are meant to be with. Yet, they have the same feeling, and the same thoughts in every relationship. People seem to believe that every time they love, they will get their happily ever after. This is the person they were meant to be with and now they will get their fairy tale ending. Yet, we all know that fairy tale endings don't exist. Though a person may find the very person that they've needed their whole life, they're not going to all of a sudden end up with a perfect life. Perhaps the reason that people believe that they will have a fairy tale ending is because they just need something to believe in. Maybe it's because they're tired of their life and they need to believe that someday, it will all go away, and they will be able to live the perfect life they always wanted. Those are the people that need a reason to get up out of bed everyday. Perhaps they need a reason to keep on going on, to keep living their life, and to not give up on everything. Why is it that people build themselves up for a let down when they finally discover that the chances of them ever finding the perfect person it pretty slim, and the chances of having a fairy tale ending are even slimmer. They continue to believe, as they continue to believe in true love. Is either real? I wouldn't know, but I am sure that we'll all find out someday.

That being said, what exactly IS love?

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