Friday, January 9, 2009

Inspire Me...

Inspire me...
I need to be inspired. Some people can be inspired from dreams that they have. Yet some people don't dream. Does that mean that they cannot be inspired? As far back as I can remember, I have only had a small number of dreams, and all of them have come true, except for the nightmares. There are people who believe that every dream means something. So what does it mean if whatever you dream comes true? When I dream, it is not necessarily what I want or feel, it's just there, not able to be controlled. I am also the one that experiences deja vu way too much. I am constantly having the thought that something has happened before, even when it hasn't. For example, one time when I was in seventh grade, I was in my science class led by the awesome Mr. Williamson. It was one day when he was asking about the semi-circular canals in your ear. I had remembered him telling us about them the day before so I raised my hand and gave him the answer to what they were. After I was done, everyone was looking at me and asking how I knew what they were. I told them that he told us yesterday, but no one know what I was talking about. Even Mr. Williamson didn't think he had told us what they were. In that, I knew something without knowing that I knew, and without knowing where I got the information from. After that, I began noticing all of the times when I had the feeling that something happened before, or when I knew something that I didn't know that I knew, and had no explanation for how I knew. It happened surprisingly often.

I didn't know what to make of it, and I still don't. I have all these feelings, feelings that nobody else can really relate to. The better I know somebody, the more I know about them without them having to tell me, and the better I can know what they're thinking. Not many people are okay with the wierd things that happen in my head. Lucky for me, as said before, I have Mei, by best of freinds to be there to accept me for the person that I am. She doesn't always understand it, the wierd things, but she is always okay with it, and I love her for it.

My sense, it's almost like an animal sense. I can tell what a person is feeling, especially when it's a person that I know well. I can know what they're feeling, even when they are able to hide the feeling from everybody else. I could never figure out how I know, but it's there, and for once, somone likes me for always knowing, Mei.

Without her, I would be alone, never showing anyone my true insides.

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