Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Year of Thankfulness

I never had a new years resolution. So now, two months and eight days late, I have created a new  years resolution for myself. I have decided that in order to create a happier and healthier life for myself I want to find something every singe day to be thankful for. Maybe it won’t always be something different, but just to find something to always be thankful for no matter how dismal and depressing the day.  It is my goal to every day write something here, even just a little something to help myself see that there is always something to be thankful for in this world. And since I am starting after the year already did, I am planning on 365 days of Thankfulness; a Year of Thankfulness… my year of thankfulness.

Day #1

Today wasn’t a particularly difficult day, but already I am thinking that I don’t know what to be thankful for today. But thinking about it, I want to dedicate the day to being thankful just that I am alive.  I spent two weeks in another country and have spent over 25 hours in one plane or another in the past two weeks.  And I have come home without a scratch (well, I guess I can’t say that, I have a couple scrapes and bruises, but nothing more than what I would have gotten just being at home).  After all the things that you hear happening to travelling people (and of course, mostly teenage girls traveling with school or friends), nothing terrible has happened and despite some particularly creepy people we have seen while over there, I have come home to my family and friends.

I must say, that was not particularly, hard, but now the real challenge is to be able to take the time to do this every day. I just hope that I will be able to live up to my own challenge.  This is something that I know will help me :D so BRING IT ON! (weird how I’m kind of talking to myself…)

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