Friday, March 11, 2011

A Healthy Body

Okay so obviously it’s easily noted that I missed a couple days and I am making up for them here and unfortunately I already fail at doing this daily thing. I am doing my best but I have so many things to do since I came back that I just fall asleep in the middle of my work without actually writing anything, but I will get better!

Day #3

Anyway, yesterday, I was thankful for the fact that I have a healthy body. Yes, I do have my own array of health problems, but they are all relatively minor and I can still run, I can still be active, and I can still live the type of life I’d want to live. There are so many people who have health problems and have to worry about dying so young and about what they do with their life because they have to be careful with everything that they do. And yet, I still have a healthy body and that is something that many people take for granted. They don’t realize how lucky they are to even be healthy enough to move around let alone go to school and play sports. And that means a lot.

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