Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Beautiful Sister :)

Day #5

I have a sister. A beautiful sister. She is just so wonderful and I love her so much. She is just amazing as any person can be and I love it when she comes to visit me. We talk a lot, about everything under the sun and I am just so thankful that she is a person in my life. I have only ever lived with her for a total of maybe five years and while maybe we didn’t always get along when we were younger, she always listened to me and as we both got older we found that we enjoyed each others company more and more. I love my sister so much and I love the times when I get to spend time with her and just hang out because she is one of my best friends. I feel so lucky that I have a sister like her because I she is a person that I get along with and that I know that I can talk to about anything and everything no matter what. And that is something that is absolutely amazing to have. That’s more than I can ask for and yet, it was given to me in my sister. We spent time together today and we got the chance to talk again like we haven’t been able to in a while. I always miss her terrible and I love that time that we get to spend together. She is the listener. The advice giver. The driver. The one who made it through everything and did everything on her own. I look up to her and I have learned a lot from her. She is my role model, and even though she’s made a lot of mistakes, who hasn’t? The point is that she’s worked through them and does the best she can with what she’s given and what she’s done in the past. And that, is something to look up to.

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