Thursday, September 30, 2010


I like food, but then again, who doesn’t? Yes, I am in a random mood, I started a blog entry about food. The problem is that I am rather hungry right now and I am waiting for dinner to be ready. That, and I remembered a topic that came up in my Economics class yesterday. Paulina was talking about food from some food-place (the name is escaping me right now) because of something that Marisa said. She said what she ordered there to share between her and her sister and our teacher was astonished at the amount of food that they ordered. Funny thing is, I can eat more. It was so funny knowing that he was tripping our over something that I knew that I could beat. I would have said something, but instead, I was quiet. I don’t really like people knowing my amazing story of food. Its so bad, I just ate so much that day. Paulina was there. She remembers this day that I am remembering. That is why I don’t eat a lot around other people. I generally only eat a “normal amount” (which is still kind of a lot for someone my size) because people start tripping out and then I don’t want to eat anymore. I actually think that it’s funny.

Well, I want something to talk about other than food, but I don’t think that I have anything else to talk about. I am just that hungry. It’s quite distracting; I can’t bring my mind to think of too much else besides music and food. I guess that’s alright because music and food is all we need anyway. (That was a joke by the way.)

Tomorrow is the first day of Tiller Days! I think I am going to go tomorrow. This will be the second time that I will have gone to Tustin Tiller Days. I went last year and I hope that I have more fun this year. I am actually quite excited about it. It seemed like it would be really fun. The only problem I had was that I didn’t actually go with anyone so once the guys (Nyne) was done and everyone left I was left on my own. That was my cue to leave. This time, however, I am actually going with a group of people, which is something that I have never done in my life, and I am looking forward to it. Either way, I am getting ahead of myself. I don’t really even know if I am going to be able to go. So, we will have to see.

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