Thursday, September 18, 2008

How To Be A Child

In Advanced Theatre Arts (now further referred to as ATA), taught by the wonderful and amazing Mrs. Jones (the ever persistent drama teacher, who works with the little she has and provides an amazing experience for her students who choose to grasp it) has currently begun our first production of the 08-09 school year. This production is called "How to Eat Like A Child". (If I have gotten it wrong and it's actually "How to Be A Child") I'll be quite embarrassed! You see this would be my first year in the ATA program. I was in her second period beginning drama class for the 07-08 school year. My freshman year. Seeing as how I am now a sophomore that would make sense would it not? We've been working on the lines, blocking, and choreography for our prologue (non of which I should give away though how I wish I could!). The choreography being done by the lovely Miss Michelle.

Now that I've prattled on though and giving you background information, perhaps we should move on to something VASTLY more interesting. The point of this blog in the first place.

As a young child (believe it or not those who know me personally) I was shy,quiet... I wasn't the person that everyone in the school new. I went to Saint Scholastica's Academy for girls. (A saint with the most interesting history I just must write about another time!) I was the girl with the bob cut who sat at the back of the room all the time and played by herself. I would constantly be found in the library, or perhaps in the chapel. Once I got to know people a little bit I would be seen tagging a long behind them. Once I had my first crush (who yes despite the baggy school uniform, chewed on fingernails and being one year his junior had a crush on me) I would be seen walking next to him (which is a big step up from walking behind a group of squealing first graders)!

Despite my quite and introverted personality my name was generally known due to my family's prestige in business and past celebrity like things, and my interactions with the fields of modeling and academic competition. I was a cheerleader and enjoyed doing things of the such. I was in the math club and was constantly with my socialite of an aunt. I would be seen in the latest fashion and the such... But i was still shy and quiet, except around a select few people. As I got older and came to the states, I grew to finally accept the spotlight when it came to me and embraced it. It would be wrong of me not to admit that I take center stage whenever I can! (Oh dear... odd statement, my blocking for the first scene of the play I am front and center! oh dear I just gave something away!!!) That transition is another time, but now lets revert to my purpose of the play shall we?
I see this play almost like my chance to be the child I never was. The child I am now. Loud, and hyper, running around the playground not afraid to get hurt little child who talks to everyone. This is my chance to be... well. To simply be what I am now that I wasn't then! It's the chance to just skip around the stage, to be childish. What child does not love to perform, simply to please others? Even better, I get to please children. Show them that when you're older, that it's still okay to do the silly little things that a child does.
My thoughts have stopped seeing as how I'm carrying on several conversations. I'm sorry I really couldn't elaborate on my point, that upsets me. I had so many thoughts and they only come down to this? How terrible of me...
I hope that you all have enjoyed this little orange, or have at least gotten to know me somewhat better... (seeing as how this would only be my second post... all of them are on myspace still!)
Now In the Words of a Great friend named Jonathan:
You may now return to your regular lives.

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