Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Purpose of Not Existing

If you had $100,000 to give away, to what person(s) or organization(s) would you give it?
(If you were watching the American TV network Fox last night, you know where this idea came from.)

Most likely I would give it to some environmental or educational organization. i know it's not very imaginative but it's what i do. i feel guilty for not saying my parents though. for all that they've done and the troubles that they now face, but maybe that's because i know they can make it. despite what i see as flaws. they have. how can i think of this so simply? when really it's so big. -end of minute-

Two days ago my AP world history teacher just let us sit and chat for the first few minutes of class. Us as students of course were oblivious to what he did, and just ignored him continuing with our chatting. I was gossiping with a wonderful friend, and once that was done I had gone on to read Eragon. (I'm quite embarrassed to admit that I have not read it before, but I finished it yesterday) Next thing I know I hear this odd whirring sound. My eyes flash up from the text in the book to see Mr. Waldram with an electric power drill standing in front of us. We were a bit confused... and as he went on it went from confusing, to annoying, to obnoxious, to just plain the biggest nuisance in the room.
I of course thinking it was pointless, and not understanding how this could relate to World History whatsoever went on to read my book. As I read though I listened. From the drill they talked about power, the power he had over the class. They spoke of modern technology and how we are so attached to it. Of course as our class seems to enjoy teasing Mr. Waldram, and he welcomes it with a smile, they went on to speak of how silly and pointless hit thoughts were. It would be wrong of me to not admit I had parallel thoughts.
As their conversation drew on, it bored me, these thoughts weren't unique at all. I had heard them all before and none gave me much interest, so I continued to read. Then Mr. Waldram took my book. Yes I was upset. Yes I kind of sort have might have sat there glaring at him with my arms crossed. Maybe...
Then I was mumbling under my breath at how pointless it was, and I must have said it loud enough to hear because he encouraged me to go on with that idea.
I talked about the pointlessness of this exercise, and even more the pointlessness of the drill. If I had walked over and unplugged the drill it would have simply been matter sitting there without power or purpose. And of course he asked me to go on. I (still with a frustration in my voice I'm sure) talked about the point of existence and purpose. How some thing exist with the purpose to benefit. While others exist for the purpose of loss and other such nativities and in doing so benefit the world by creating a balance. Do things exist for a purpose? Do things not exist for a purpose? There are so many things we could imagine up and I'm sure more, why don't those things exist? Perhaps them not existing is their purpose. Their purpose is to exist only in imagination... But if an object existed in imagination, does it still exist thought it doesn't exist in a tangible object? Dark is absence of light, and cold is the absence of heat. Then is not believing lack of faith? Is stupidity a lack of wisdom and intelligence? One of my classmates said it was starting to sound like the things I post on my blog. He echoed my thoughts of posting the thoughts I had come up with and smiled to myself.
They went on to talk and I sat there giving up in my frustration of having to speak in circles. If one continues to ask why or what then one will never reach an answer. I thought this was the job of philosophers.
While i mumbled to my friend at how pointless this all was she said to me.

Maybe it's not how you reach a point, maybe it's the way getting there.

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