Thursday, November 27, 2008


One Minute Writer: who do you thank for something as amazing as the gift i've been given?The gift of being different. and the gift of knowing i'm different.the human mind craves to fit in while i know i do not. I'm thankful for the people i know now. the people i used to know. thankful that i know and love God and am grateful for him in my life. thankful for my sister. my mother-*end of minute*

Sadly enough I know that this simple cartoon, no matter how funny it may be, isn't much of an exaggeration. Over the weekend I had been a Legal at our own Tustin High Schools 16th annual Model United Nations Conference. I had to do the paperwork, grade caucus, watch the timer, the speakers list, take roll etc etc. Surprisingly... I had a lot of fun...
Why does the human society, on any scale at all, believe that to raise one's self up you have to push others down and use them as stepping stones. I used to believe (yes I know i'm about to paint quite the morbid image and i'm terribly sorry for that) that to get ahead in life you had to push other people down in the ground and use them as stepping stones. As if you were trapped in a well with a lot of other struggling people and that to reach the top I had to 'dispose' of these others and build myself a staircase. Ants sacrifice themselves in such a way to help their society. To cross a body of water ants will sometimes drown themselves creating a bridge for the rest to walk across. Thanks to experience, and some amazing people that have influenced my views on life, I know now that it is possible to climb high without having to dispose of others. To climb high without stepping on others. Take the well image for example. One can simply take resources and create a ladder, a rope and pull themselves high. You don't always have to put others down, be thankful and gracious for what you have. Sometimes people feel lost and without a cause, and so to try and find their way they push around people who have. Then those people become lost too.
I'm glad I now know this lesson, or I could never be comfortable with who I am. Perhaps I still don't know who I truly am, (i'm only just turned fifteen mind you!) but I do know this. I know I will be comfortable with who I was, and who I am to become.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have Sacrificed...


this blog won't be as formal as the past couple
so don't expect it to be.

This is crazy though, so hectic. Opening night is a week from today!
It's going to be just wonderful!
I get that other people at my school think it's an absolutely loser-ish thing to do...
but hey I don't see anyone else getting up on stage acting like an idiot to get people to laugh! {and someones gotta do it! why not me?}

My pants are yellow, and they're supposed to be blue
my shoes are yellow, they're supposed to be black
my hair is a variety of colors as are my hands!
This is just wonderfully amazing!!!

I've gotten several teachers to offer extra credit for their class to get people to go!
Mr. Miller, Mr. Trev and Mr. Waldram, i'm going to talk to Mrs. Levine and Mrs. Hopkins as well as my other teachers.

I'm really excited! Though I can't find a plain orange shirt =[
Ah! I'm being called for! The life of demanding parents. Though I wish they cared more.
That's a topic for another day!

this wasn't really an orange... twas more of a tangerine :0