Tuesday, January 2, 2007

More About Girls Of The Modern World

Well, i just got off the phone with my friend Erica Mills. The one i talked about in the last issue of what i'm going to start calling the local blogger. Well. I thought i might talk about more girls, give more examples of how different we are, yet, how we're still all the same.
Ok. I'm going to talk about karate first. We have Kristianna Marczeski. She's so great, we're like sisters. She's into rock, you know, just plain fun to be with. She has a total disliking for boys, she hates them all, even our friends.... i'll get to boys of the modern world sometime.... that should be interresting. Ok, now there's Katie Cicchettie, i don't really know when katie came into the picture, just that the three ofus are great friends. We accept each other i guess, at karate we can be ourselves, and if you can't accept us fine then. we kick ur butt at sparring class ! XD. then there's alexis, alexis is BOY CRAZY!!!! i swear... but there are those times whne she REALLY likes a guy... she can stick with him for years... really.... shopping you know, the classis stereo type of the modern girl, the thing about her is she's great at martial arts, she has a true talent for it really. just goes to show you shouldn't judge a book by its cover huh?there was a girl who used to go to karate with us... her though.. her you could read so easily... too much make up, couldn't hide all those zits though... she went out with my ex boyfriend, twice.... i made her life so hard... i tried so hard to scare her away from the dojo... that place is my home, i wouldn't want to lose that place. She spit in there, she defiled it..... she made fun of the art that i love..... i wanted her out and soon, so i took matters into my own hands, made everything so hard for her, you have no idea. She was gone now.... and she better not come back.
Ok, now lets get to school. First there's erica, who inspired me to write this second part! XD You see, erica had an interesting plot she made against tania, not the one i wrote in the last one, a different one. She poured almost an entire carton of apple juice in her backpack. the thing is i got kinda part of the backfire for that. tania and bree adams-wyche are both in my p.e. class. and theyr'e both near me, bree in front tania behind. they wouldn't stop trashing my friends. so i stand up for them like a good friend right? then they start smashing me up... not much to find though since i spent extra time getting ready that day to see isaac! XD i looked good that day! xD ok. now lets get talking about bree and tania there. both those girls are complete idiots. ok, bree is ok, she's in honours core with me. but i mean, a girl who wears shoes that are ducktaped together to p.e. cmon, can't get any stupider than that. jordan thompson.... jordans fun. a dancer you know, she's classic, smart hard worker... and great choice of friends! XD!!!!! there's chasely, she's pretty much the same, then katie, katie lexum, going out with one of my closest friends blake. she's great. you know, she has a past but we accept her, she's hyper like me... fun to be with... they're my friends what can i say?!!?!?!?
ok, to sum it all up we're all different, why can't we accept it? I accept peoples differences and i try to be nice... but thats how it works out. to those of you who can accept these things already, i commend you.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Girls Of The Modern World

Well. I'm not really sure why i post this... I think i'm going to start a weekly thing about parts of life, people my age usually don't think about. If you read these... send me a message talking about your view on it. I'd love to hear all about it.
Well. This week I'm going to talk about the females of our modern world. You know, the new generation. The generation me and my friends are part of. Out of all the girls i know... the majority are into clothing, one way or another. Some of the girls out there hate me too. Some love me like a sister. one is my sister! XD. and some just like me. Girls who hate me... i don't know why they do. maybe it's just because i'm different then them. oh well. Those girls are usually into the latest music, latest fasions... and some of them are dumb as rocks to tell you the truth... tania.. at least thats how i think you spell it. one time in class. "wait.. washington d.c. isn't in washington state?"
then my teacher said, or someone "no tania.... you just missed it by about the entire country" XD i was cracking up so much, but i held it in.... stayed quiet.... Some people just look for a way to ruin me, and sadly enough some of those people were my friends. The people who do like me though,are just as unique as i am in there own unique ways. take erica for example. she looks asian, she is asian, but she denies it, she's into rock, died her hair blonde, she's one of my best friends. My closest friends go to karate wiht me, kristianna marczeski, katie kicchetti. theyr'e great. we're all into rock. i'm more into modern, kris is more into the classics, and katie.. katie loves everything! XD we laugh at the strangest things. In that group i'm the oddball. They both have light skin and light hair. I have dark hair and dark skin.. i guess thats how it works out..... I have to sleep now... maybe i'll talk more about this in the future... goodnight and happy new year!
Girls of the modern world are all different i guess.....